$1.5 Million settlement of a class action against a major New Jersey food distributor alleging violation of New Jersey’ Wage and Hour laws and the failure to pay overtime to truck drivers and helpers. (Bryan H. Mintz, with co-counsel, Middlesex County, New Jersey 2016)
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0$6 Million settlement of a class action against Discover Financial Services related to its merchant membership program and the allegation that the bank was charging merchants for the program without authorization (Bryan H. Mintz, with co-counsel, Southern District of Florida), 2011).
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0$10 Million settlement of a class action against Discover Financial Services relating to the bank’s credit cards. alleging that the bank imposed payment protection without consent , deceptively marketed the service, and improperly administered the plan harming consumers (Bryan H. Mintz, with co-counsel, Northern District of Illinois, 2013).
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0The New Jersey Supreme Court decided last week in the case of Renner v. AT&T that a Workers’ Compensation claimant is not entitled to compensation for a cardiovascular injury, disease or death, unless the claimant can show that the cardiovascular injury resulted from a work effort or strain involving a substantial condition or event. This case has broad ramifications for New Jersey workers who suffer injuries such as heart attacks or pulmonary embolisms at work and seek workers’ compensation benefits for those injuries.
0Watch today’s video where Elizabeth, New Jersey workers’ comp lawyer Bryan Mintz explains the important facts about workers’ compensation. Get helpful legal tips from an experienced Elizabeth, New Jersey workers’ comp lawyer.
0Elizabeth, New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Lawyers As the premier workers’ compensation lawyers in Elizabeth, New Jersey, we at Mintz & Geftic have been representing the hardworking men and women of New Jersey for over 25 years. In this time, our workers’ comp lawyers have represented clients from all different industries who have suffered from work-related injuries. This list includes construction workers, factory workers, truck drivers and many others that suffered some kind of personal injury while working. Who is at Risk? With all of our workers’ compensation experience, we can tell you that every single job contains some level of risk when it…
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0Today we continue a series of blog posts that center around a critical topic for each and every one of us. This topic is arbitration clauses and the impact they are having on both consumers and employees.
0New Jersey is bracing for a major snowstorm. At this point it seems forecasters have narrowed the potential snowfall down to somewhere between flurries and two feet of snow. In addition to the wind and snow, apparently this storm could also develop into a (cue the Jaws music) ………BOMB CYCLONE!!! Did some news editor decide that the term nor’easter wasn’t getting them enough clicks anymore and just replace it with the coolest word they could think of? If so, great job by that guy (or girl)! While we’ve had some snowy days around the state this winter, this storm is going to be the…
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