New Jersey

Cars and trucks on snow covered highway during snowstorm - Mintz and Geftic Personal Injury Law Firm

27 Jan: Driving in Snow and Ice – Facts vs. Fiction

New Jersey is bracing for a major snowstorm. At this point it seems forecasters have narrowed the potential snowfall down to somewhere between flurries and two feet of snow. In addition to the wind and snow, apparently this storm could also develop into a (cue the Jaws music) ………BOMB CYCLONE!!! Did some news editor decide that the term nor’easter wasn’t getting them enough clicks anymore and just replace it with the coolest word they could think of? If so, great job by that guy (or girl)! While we’ve had some snowy days around the state this winter, this storm is going to be the…

Injured arm in cast holding calculator with text Injury Claim written - Personal Injury Law Firm

14 Dec: How Much is My Personal Injury Case Worth? – Accident Injury Blog

If you have been seriously injured in an accident and would like to discuss your potential case with an attorney, call or text us today at 908-352-2323. Consultations with our personal injury attorneys are always free. “How much is my case worth?” Clients that we meet with are dealing with serious accident injuries like broken bones, nerve damage, burns, severe back pain, or traumatic brain injury. They may have been involved in a serious car or truck accident. They may have taken a bad fall, possibly slipping on ice or snow. They may have been injured on the job in a work accident or…

Bright orange background with wavy images and portable power generator in center of display

07 Sep: Portable Generators – Benefits, Dangers & Lawsuits

  The effects of Hurricane Ida were major! From its first landfall along the Gulf coast to its arrival here in New Jersey, Ida’s path was destructive. Several families have endured catastrophic damage and some have even lost loved ones as a result of Ida. While Ida may not have been considered a major hurricane (or even a hurricane) by the time it worked its way to our area, the effects on the people of New Jersey were clearly major to say the least. Our hearts go out to all of the families affected by these recent events.   There were millions of customers without…


16 Feb: Generators – Pros, Cons and Lawsuits

We have already seen record-setting snowfall across much of New Jersey this winter. Now, in addition to more snow in the forecast, meteorologists are predicting significant icing in the next couple of rounds of storms. Residents of New Jersey clearly understand the impact of ice storms. Roadways turn into a dangerous skating rink. The number of serious car accidents increases. The number of serious injuries from slip and fall accidents increases. And, of course, the number of power outages skyrockets.  There are two words that power companies never want to hear in the winter. freezing rain. Utility workers will be working hard, risking work-related injuries…

Question Mark and Judge's gavel - Mintz & Geftic - NJ Personal Injury Lawyers

05 Mar: How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

When we meet with a potential client during a free consultation, they sometimes ask us a rather predictable question, and understandably so. That question is “How much is my case worth?” These clients are dealing with serious injuries like broken bones, burns, severe back pain or even traumatic brain injury. They may have been involved in a serious car or truck accident. They may be missing work and incurring mounting medical bills. They may have taken a bad fall, possibly slipping on ice or snow. They may have been injured on the job in a work accident or construction accident. They might be facing…

Snowy road windshield view. Fire truck and ambulance on road with lights on

18 Jan: Flash Freeze Coming – What New Jersey Drivers Need to Know

New Jersey is getting ready for the first major winter storm of 2019. One major hazard of this storm that we don’t come across often is a Flash Freeze. This refers to a rapid and significant drop in temperatures, causing any standing water to freeze on roadways and sidewalks. Here’s a great summary we received on the potential impacts of the Flash Freeze from top New Jersey weather resource Jonathan Carr. Carr is better known as JC to the 232k+ facebook followers on his Weather NJ page. “Lastly, once precipitation clears out to the East Sunday afternoon, temperatures will continue to drop well-below freezing statewide. By…